Hello, welcome to my website.
I am aware that there isn't much, i have put it to myself to update more often, i will make note of what
ive added.
but have a look around, who knows it might make you forget how bored you are for a few minutes.
19th October 2004
added drop dead fred page, and some new quizes.
ahhhh.. i sooo cant wait till the social, this week is taking sooo goddam long to end! not sure exactly
what im gonna wear yet... that reminds me (im not sure how) i am planning to add a page dedicated to my good friends, it shall
include pics, and mini bios of everyone.
megalomania : insane self exaltation; mania for big things.
melancholy : mental depression, lack of cheerfulness.
All clams start out as males; some decide to become females at some point in their lives. (smart, smart
17th October 2004
Hrmmm... today i have added a heap more lyrics, a few new pages, Tattoos, and Fairuza Balk. ummmm more msn
names, more trivia in the sctuff section. Check it out... and if your new, check out everything else too. i hope to get a
new forum up and running asap, but if you are dying for some forum action be sure to visit http://wikkiforum.tk (link opens new window) i also plan to add more lyrics when i can be stuffed, which might be never mind you. ok back
to work, adding more stuff, will update you when im done.
edit: i just added the quiz page, the gnarly quote page and flash linkage.